Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 1

Okay, so I've changed my mind.

Yesterday I posted I was going to start taking my guai on Wednesday. The rest of my products will arrive on Tuesday, so figured Wednesday would be a good day.

Well, I've decided to start today instead. The only thing I am waiting for is my salicylate free make-up to arrive. The way I am feeling, I am not going to be leaving the house for a few days anyway, so no sense in waiting for make-up to arrive. Hopefully my family won't mind my natural look. :) Another factor is today is October 1st and I like the idea of starting Day 1 on October 1st.

For my guaifenesin I bought the Mucinex 600 mg. Since Dr. Amand says to start with 300 mg 2 times a week, I cut the guai in half this morning and took 300 mg. I am not looking forward to the guai reversing my fibro - I know the pain will be horrible. I feel horrible as it is.

So there you have it - I've started!

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